We went to the radiologist yesterday to get x-rays done on Lucy's abdomen to check for any blockages or some poop that may need to be helped out with a little more laxatives. Getting x-rays done is one of the easier things that we do as far as doctor visits go.
In fact, Lucy loves to get x-rays done! She was anticipating it for a couple of days, talking about it constantly at home. She would ask me when she would be getting her "tummy picture" taken. We waited patiently in the waiting room yesterday for her very own tummy photo shoot.
Her name was called, and we were taken back into a hallway by a technician, who looked through a cabinet of hospital gowns. He led us into a "fitting room" where I shortly found out that he gave us an adult sized gown. I certainly wasn't going to chase him down for another smaller size because they always make her get done to her birthday suit anyway for stomach x-rays so they can get her rectum included. I took that adult sized gown and got a little creative with it. I felt like a I was on a ghetto version of Project Runway, trying to fit my petite toddler model with a cheap, cornflower blue piece of linen. I knotted it around her body and draped it the best I could, and even made her indulge me by walking down the hallway like it was a runway! She thought it was hilarious, but I expected a hospital version of Tim Gunn to walk in and tell me that he 'wasn't feeling it but to just work with what I have.'
Whatever...any thing to make time pass, right?
We got called into the x-ray room, and I placed Lucy sunny side up on the table. She was so excited to finally be getting her tummy picture taken! The technician instructed her to stay perfectly still, and she did! As the tech was taking the picture Lucy says, "CHEEEEESE!"
What a sweetheart!
We should be getting the results of the x-ray as soon as Lucy's GI guy takes a look at them next week. Worse case scenario is that we do another 3-day clean out with Magnesium Citrate and Miralax...not a huge deal. I'll keep you posted!
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